Export API Overview

The Export API provides a way to retrieve large volumes of data from Account Engagement. It uses Account Engagement's existing API structures, patterns, and terminology.

Use the Export API to retrieve large sets of data when you don't need synchronous completion responses or when query limitations are too restrictive.

An export is associated with a query and a data set in Account Engagement. When you create an export, the query is split into smaller queries, which return smaller sets of data. These smaller queries are processed in parallel, and the retrieved data is saved in CSV files. When the export is complete, the CSV files are available to download.

The order of the records returned in the CSV files isn’t guaranteed. The number of records in each CSV file varies, and all of the files associated with an export make up the full data set for the query.

The Export resource is used to create an export and get the status of an export. When the export is complete, the links to the CSV files containing the data are available in the response.

A relationship is a property on an object that references another object, denoted in the documentation by the field’s type. For example, Prospects have a relationship field called campaign that links to the Campaign object.

In Version 5 of the Account Engagement API, Export requests can have relationships as part of their fields parameter. Callers of the Export API can use these relationship fields to build exports that retrieve data from multiple objects in a single request, reducing the need for multiple exports. For example, we can create an export for VisitorActivity and include relationship data from Campaigns, Emails, and Prospects.

  • The Export API is subject to the daily Account Engagement API call limit and the concurrent Account Engagement API call limit for your account.
  • Similar to a queue, Export API calls are executed sequentially for each account. Older exports are processed before newer exports.
  • The number of fields specified in the Export API calls can’t exceed 150.
  • Collection fields can’t be exported. For example, on List Email the senderOptions and replyToOptions fields are not supported.
  • On procedures where no end date is supplied, for example, createdAfter is specified but createdBefore isn’t, the export retrieves all data up until the creation date of the export.
  • Similar to the Synchronous API, relationships in an Export can have a max depth of 3, for example, on Prospect campaign.folder.parentFolder.name.
  • Exported relationship fields don’t support any non-scalar value such as related object collections.

The data associated with an export expires after 7 days. When data expires, the Export resource removes links to the CSV files and shows that the export has expired. Attempts to retrieve the data after an export expires will fail.

Exports that have not completed processing after 7 days will expire. Expired exports will no longer process and the results will not be made available. To retrieve this data, a new export should be created.

  • The first row contains the name of the fields.
  • The remaining rows contain the record data.
  • Dates are returned in the user’s timezone at the time they created the export.
    • For example, if a user is in the “PST” timezone and creates an export, the dates in the export are in “PST”. If a second user is in the “EST” timezone and downloads the exported files, the dates in the export are in “PST”.
    • If a user’s timezone changes, previous exports created by the user have dates formatted in the previous timezone. Dates in new exports use the new timezone.
  • Dates are returned in ISO8601 format: 2023-01-27T09:17:01-05:00. To request the legacy date format, see the legacyDateFormat parameter.
  • Booleans are represented as true or false in CSV.
  • Multiselect fields or fields that allow multiple responses return semicolon-delimited values: one;two;three. Semicolons in the field value are escaped with a backslash: first\;value;second\;value.
  • Fields with null values are represented as empty values in CSV.
  • Relationship field names in the CSV header are dot delimited.

This document assumes that you're familiar with connecting to the Account Engagement API, managing objects, and creating CSV files. You can export data by using these endpoints.

VerbURI PathAction
POST/v5/exportsCreate an export job.
GET/v5/exports/{id}Read the status of an export job.
GET/v5/exportsQuery export jobs.
GET/v5/exports/{id}/resultsDownload the results for an export job.
POST/v5/exports/{id}/do/cancelCancel an export job.

Required Editable Fields

These fields are required for the Create operation.

fieldsArraySpecifies the fields to be exported. Only fields available for query are valid for every object. Fields are required to match the names documented for Version 5 objects. Prospect custom fields require the __c suffix. Object relationships can be exported by supplying the dot delimited field notation identical to how Synchronous API relationships are used.
procedureObjectThe procedure to execute. A procedure is a query and execution plan used to retrieve data. Each object has its own set of procedures. See the Procedures section for available procedures.

Procedure fields

nameStringThe name of the object to export and the procedure in the format Object/Procedure. The object name is without spaces and isn’t pluralized, e.g. ListEmail/FilterByCreatedAt
argumentsObjectArguments used to manipulate the behavior of the procedure. These arguments are specific to the procedure. See the Procedures section for available procedures.

Optional Editable Fields

These are the optional fields for the Create operation.

False (Default): Do not include Byte Order Mark header in produced CSV
True: Include Byte Order Mark header in produced CSV.
maxFileSizeBytesIntegerOptional. (The default value is 209,715,200 bytes, or 200MB). Asks the system to produce files no larger than the provided value. The minimum supported value is 10,000,000 bytes, almost 10MB. The maximum supported value is 209,715,200.
False (Default): Export CSV contains timestamps in ISO 8601 format: 2023-01-27T09:17:01-05:00.
True: Export CSV contains timestamps in legacy format: 2023-01-27 09:17:01. This format may be easier for legacy CSV readers to interpret.

Read-Only Fields

idIntegerID of the export job.
statusStringThe status of the export. See Export State Enum.
isExpiredBooleanIndicates whether the export has expired.
createdAtDatetimeThe date and time that the export was created.
updatedAtDatetimeThe date and time that the export was last updated.
createdByIdIntegerID of the individual who created this export.
updatedByIdIntegerID of the individual who last updated this export.
createdByUserUser object representing the user who created this job. See documentation for User for available fields.
updatedByUserUser object representing the user who last updated this job. See documentation for User for available fields.
resultRefsArrayThis property contains a list of URLS to CSV files available for download. If there’s no data associated with the export, this property is null. The order of the URLs in the array isn’t significant. The field isn’t available for query.

Used to create an export job.


fieldsThe value for fields is a comma-separated enumeration of the fields to be returned. If no fields are input, an error is returned.

Create an Export Job Example Request

Request headers:

Request body:

Create an Export Job Example Response

  • Status Code: 201
  • Output Representation


Create a Visitor Activity Export with Relationships Example Request

Request headers:

Request body:

Create a Visitor Activity Export with Relationships Example Response

An example VisitorActivity export CSV result that has relationships can be found under the Download Results section.

  • Status Code: 201
  • Output Representation


Returns the current state of the export.

Params for Read

URL ElementDescription
fields(Required) The value for fields is a comma-separated enumeration of the fields to be returned.
id(Required) The ID of the export.

Example Request for Read

Example Response for Read

Status Code: 200

Errors for Read

Retrieving a collection of export jobs follows the conventions described in Version 5 Overview.

When executing a query, the following fields can be specified in the orderBy parameter. See the conventions for query described in the Version 5 Overview.

  • id
  • createdAt
  • updatedAt

Example Request

Example Response

Status Code: 200

When executing a query, the following parameters can be used to filter the returned results. These parameters can be specified in the request along with any shared parameters defined in Version 5 Overview. When specifying more than one parameter, all parameters must match the record for it to be returned in the results.

idReturns any export where ID is equal to the given integer value.
idListReturns any export where ID is included in the given list of values.
idGreaterThanReturns any export where ID is greater than the specified value, non-inclusive.
idGreaterThanOrEqualToReturns any export where ID is greater than or equal to the specified value.
idLessThanReturns any export where ID is less than the specified value, non-inclusive.
idLessThanOrEqualToReturns any export where ID is less than or equal to the specified value.
createdAtReturns any export where CreatedAt is equal to the given datetime value.
createdAtAfterReturns any export where CreatedAt is after the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
createdAtAfterOrEqualToReturns any export where CreatedAt is after or equal to the given datetime value.
createdAtBeforeReturns any export where CreatedAt is before the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
createdAtBeforeOrEqualToReturns any export where CreatedAt is before or equal to the given datetime value.
updatedAtReturns any export where UpdatedAt is equal to the given datetime value.
updatedAtAfterReturns any export where UpdatedAt is after the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
updatedAtAfterOrEqualToReturns any export where UpdatedAt is after or equal to the given datetime value.
updatedAtBeforeReturns any export where UpdatedAt is before the given datetime value, non-inclusive.
updatedAtBeforeOrEqualToReturns any export where UpdatedAt is before or equal to the given datetime value.
isExpiredDetermines whether to return expired records. The value can be false (default) or true

Errors for Query

The URLs retrieved from the Read endpoint can be used to download the results of the export. A failure occurs when attempting to download any results from an expired export. See Expiration for more information. The URL is provided by the resultRefs field in a read.

Params for Download Results

URL ElementDescription
idThe ID of the export job.
fileIdThe ID for the individual export file produced.

Errors for Download Results

Example CSV Result with Reltionships

An example CSV file with VisitorActivity Relationships. See Create for the example create request and response for this CSV file.

201563100"Website Tracking"616"Chatty""Pardot""chatty@salesforce.com"1056"Scoring Category Email""Scoring Categories"11"Email"
201564302"Salesforce Buyer's Guide Campaign"652"Astro""Nomical""astro.nomical@salesforce.com"1056"Buyer's Guide""Salesforce Buyer's Guide"11"Email"
992458302"Salesforce Buyer's Guide Campaign"1502"Genie""Rabbit""genie.rabbit@salesforce.com"2073"Buyer's Guide""Salesforce Buyer's Guide"11"Email"

Used to cancel the export. If the export is already completed or failed, it can't be canceled. Canceling an export updates that updatedAt and updatedBy fields of the export.

Cancel Export Example Response

  • Status Code: 201
  • Output Representation

Errors for Cancel

Supported Objects
CampaignCustom FieldCustom RedirectDynamic Content
Email TemplateExternal ActivityFileFolder
Form Handler FieldForm HandlerFormLanding Page
Layout TemplateLifecycle HistoryLifecycle Stage ProspectLifecycle Stage
List EmailList MembershipListOpportunity
Prospect AccountProspectTracker DomainUser
VisitVisitor ActivityVisitor Page ViewVisitor

See Campaign for more information.

Retrieves all campaign records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all campaign records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Custom Field for more information.

Retrieves all custom field records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all custom fields records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Custom Redirect for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Dynamic Content for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Email Template for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See External Activity for more information.

Retrieves all visitor activity records with an activityDate value that is greater than the activityAfter argument and less than the activityBefore argument.


  • activityAfter: Selects external activities that occurred after the specified time.. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • activityBefore: Optional. Selects visitor activities that occurred before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).

Retrieves all external activity records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).

See File for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Folder for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Form for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Form Handler for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Form Handler Field for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).

See Landing Page for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Layout Template for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Lifecycle History for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).

See Lifecycle Stage for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Lifecycle Stage Prospect for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).

See List for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See List Email for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See List Membership for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Opportunity for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Prospect for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Prospect Account for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Tracker Domain for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See User for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Visit for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).

See Visitor for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • deleted: (Optional) Selects records based on whether they're deleted or not. The value can be true, false, or all.

See Visitor Activity for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • type: (Optional) Selects visitor activities of the specified types sent as an array of integers. If this argument isn’t specified, then all of the visitor activities belonging to any type is returned. See a list of available Visitor Activity Types in Visitor Activity. Type Session is omitted.
  • prospectOnly: (Optional) Selects only those visitor activities associated with a prospect. When this field is set to false, all visitor activities with and without a prospect are returned. The values can be true or false.

Retrieves all records with an updatedAt value that is greater than the updatedAfter argument and less than the updatedBefore argument.


  • updatedAfter: Selects records that were updated after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • updatedBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were updated before the specified time. This value must be after the value in updatedAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the updatedAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The updatedAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • type: (Optional) Selects visitor activities of the specified types sent as an array of integers. If this argument isn’t specified, then all of the visitor activities belonging to any type are returned. See a list of available Visitor Activity Types in Visitor Activity. Type Session is omitted.
  • prospectOnly: (Optional) Selects only those visitor activities associated with a prospect. When this field is set to false, all visitor activities with and without a prospect are returned. The values can be true or false.

See Visitor Page View for more information.

Retrieves all records with a createdAt value that is greater than the createdAfter argument and less than the createdBefore argument.


  • createdAfter: Selects records that were created after the specified time. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).
  • createdBefore: (Optional) Selects records that were created before the specified time. This value must be after the value in createdAfter. If this argument isn’t specified, then all data after the createdAfter date up until the creation date of the Export is returned. The createdAfter must be within a year of the creation date of the Export. The value must be specified using ISO 8601 formatted date and time (including timezone offset).

  • waiting: The export is waiting to be processed.
  • processing: A server has started processing the export.
  • complete: The export is complete and the results are available for download.
  • failed: A fatal error has occurred and the data can’t be retrieved. Try executing the export again. If the error occurs again, contact support.
  • canceled: The export is canceled and can't be restarted.