API Reference

EvergagePrimarily used to configure and start the Marketing Cloud Personalization iOS SDK.
EVGCampaignA custom ‘Data’ campaign to be handled by the app, served in response to Personalization actions generated by the user interacting with the app.
EVGContextProvides APIs to handle data campaigns, track item views and activity, and track manual actions, all within a lifecycle-managed context such as EVGScreen.
EVGClientConfigurationBuilderBuilds the Personalization iOS SDK configuration, including some required settings, provided by the client.
EVGScreenA "screen" of the app, and the context for its associated user activity.
EVGCampaignHandlerCallback implemented by the app to handle potential custom data campaigns served in response to Personalization actions generated by the user interacting with the app.
EVGClientConfigurationBlockThe block/closure used to populate the EVGClientConfigurationBuilder, in order to specify the Personalization iOS SDK configuration in [Evergage startWithClientConfiguration:].
Evergage(Swizzling)Category that eliminates the need for you to manually forward info to Personalization via API calls.
UIViewController(Evergage)Category used to enable Marketing Cloud Personalization to automatically track screens, dynamically map them to actions, and provide APIs for tracking and campaigns.
EVGLogLevelConstant that indicates the threshold for logging in [Evergage logLevel].