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Query Objects

API v56.0 and later
Compound fields available in API v59.0 and later

Use queries to load objects such as Accounts or Contacts. The query field under the uiapi field is of RecordQuery type and gives you access to all object types your Salesforce user has access to. Only objects supported by UI API are available for querying.

Access to supported objects and fields on those objects is controlled by the context user's object-level and field-level permissions. That is, an object is accessible if the user has the right permissions, and the object is either on the supported object list or is a custom object.

The RecordQuery type has one field for each object type accessible to the user. Only Account is shown here for brevity.

The RecordQuery type contains these fields.

  • after - Returns the results after the given cursor. See Paginate Results.
  • first - Returns the first n results. See Paginate Results.
  • orderBy - Orders the query using a specified field. See Order Results.
  • scope - An enumeration of the possible scopes that are defined for the object type. Provide this argument to filter the result set to records that have the specified scope. Relay Record Connections don’t have a scope argument, as child relationships can’t be filtered by a scope.
  • upperBound - Specifies the number of records by which to limit the query. Allows pagination up to upperBound number of records. Valid values are 200 to 2000.
  • where - Filters the query with an argument. See Field Operators.

The Account field returns the AccountConnection type, which represents a result set of records that ties together the records and page info. AccountConnection ties together the elements of the result set (the edges) with information on the relative position of the returned edges to all possible results. See Paginate Results.

The RecordConnection type contains these fields.

  • edges - A list of RecordEdge types.
  • pageInfo - Information on the relative location in the result set.
  • totalCount - The number of records that are queried.
  • pageResultCount - The number of records in the page of results. Available in API v60.0 and later.

The RecordEdge type, represented by AccountEdge here, ties together the record and its cursor.

The RecordEdge type contains these fields.

  • cursor - An opaque string used to page directly to this item in the result set.
  • node - The GraphQL object equivalent for the Salesforce object. For supported sObjects that are added before API v60.0, the node type name and sObject type name are the same. To avoid name collisions, supported sObjects that are added in API v60.0 and later have a node type name with a _Record suffix. For example, FeedItem is added in API v60.0 and its node type name is FeedItem_Record.

The PageInfo type contains relative position information, which shows where in the entire result set the current page is located. The PageInfo type is the same for every Connection type.

The PageInfo type contains these fields.

  • hasNextPage - Specifies whether the result set have a next page
  • hasPreviousPage - Specifies whether the result set have a previous page
  • startCursor - An opaque string used to page to the first record in the result set
  • endCursor - An opaque string used to page to the last record in the result set

For more information on pagination, see Paginate Results.

Each supported sObject type the user has access to maps to a corresponding GraphQL object type. For supported sObjects that are added before API v60.0, the sObject type and the corresponding GraphQL object type have the same name. That is, Account maps to a GraphQL object type named Account, or MyCustomObject__c maps to MyCustomObject__c. To avoid name collisions, supported sObjects that are added in API v60.0 and later map to a GraphQL object type name with a _Record suffix. For example, FeedItem is added in API v60.0 and maps to a GraphQL object type named FeedItem_Record.

All object types implement the Record interface, which has a standard set of fields that are useful for most applications.

For a complete list of fields on each object type, we recommend that you review the schema documentation using the Altair GraphQL client.

Standard fields on the Record interface includes:

  • Id - The record ID.
  • ApiName - The API name of the Salesforce object.
  • WeakEtag - If the weak etag is non-zero, two records that have the same ApiName, Id and WeakEtag is of the same version. This means they represent the same record at that point in time. When two records have the same ApiName and Id but different WeakEtag, the record with the greater WeakEtag is the more recent version of the record.
  • DisplayValue - The displayable value for a field. In API v60.0 and later, DisplayValue is also supported for polymorphic fields. Querying DisplayValue for multiple polymorphic fields requires additional processing time.
  • LastModifiedById - The ID of the user who last updated this record.
  • LastModifiedDate - The date and time when a user last modified this record. Date and time information is in ISO 8601 format.
  • SystemModStamp - The date and time when a user or an automated process (such as a trigger) last modified this record. Date and time information is in ISO 8601 format.
  • RecordTypeId - The record type ID for this record.

An object can map to three categories of fields:

Fields on the object are either mapped to a GraphQL Scalar or a "Field Value" type. The GraphQL Schema contains at least one scalar for each field type on Salesforce objects. The list of scalars that are used when mapping a field into the schema are as follows:

This list doesn't include every scalar type in the schema. Only the scalars that represent possible types for Salesforce object fields are listed.

Field value types have the naming pattern <ScalarTypeName>Value, for example, PicklistValue. All field value types have a field named value, of the corresponding scalar type. That is, PicklistValue has a field value of type Picklist. The field value type has a field called label if the field type supports the toLabel() SOQL function. The field value type has a field called format if the field type supports the format() SOQL function.

In addition, the field value type has a field called displayValue, backed by whichever of the two toLabel() or format() function calls the field type supports.

Currently, no field type supports both format() and toLabel(), and so there’s no ambiguity on which value is used for the displayValue field.

Here’s an example of a few field value types:

When mapping a Salesforce object field into the schema, the field is mapped to either a field value type or the scalar directly. The following is the process for the field type-mapping operation:

  • If the field name is Id, the scalar ID is used.

  • If the field type is Double, the field participates in a compound field of type Address or Geolocation and the field name is or ends with Latitude then the LatitudeValue object type is used.

  • If the field type is Double, the field participates in a compound field of type Address or Geolocation and the field name is or ends with Longitude then the LongitudeValue object type is used.

  • If the field type is TextArea, and the fields extra type info has the rich text flag, then the RichTextAreaValue object type is used.

  • If the field type is TextArea, and the fields length value is greater than 255, the LongTextAreaValue object type is used.

Otherwise, the field has the corresponding value type for the field type. That is, fields of type Picklist use the PicklistValue type, while fields of type Currency use the CurrencyValue type, and so on.

Compound fields correspond to the ObjectName__FieldName__CompoundField GraphQL type. For example, the BillingAddress field on the Account object, or the Address field on the Lead object are compound fields. They correspond to the Account_BillingAddress_CompoundField type and Lead_Address_CompoundField type respectively.

Here’s an example of the Account_BillingAddress_CompoundField type:

An address compound field comprises several constituent fields, like BillingCity and BillingCountry.

A geolocation compound field includes the FieldName__Latitude__s and FieldName__Longitude__s fields.

Compound fields follow these restrictions.

  • Include a compound field with its constituent fields in a query.
  • Use the constituent fields when ordering by or filtering using a where argument.
  • Use the constituent fields when working with aggregate queries.

This example queries accounts with its billing address fields.

Compound fields follow the limitations described at Object Reference for the Salesforce Platform.

Each parent relationship on an object has a corresponding field on the GraphQL object, if one of the sObjects that participates in the relationship also participates in the schema. The field name on the GraphQL object matches the relationship name. For example, both Contact and Account participate in the schema, so an Account field (relationship name) of type Account (sObject name) is present on type Contact.

If the object pointed at doesn’t appear in the schema, then no field for that relationship is added to the object type. For example, a relationship points at an object that's not supported by UI API, so it isn't mapped into the schema. As a result, the relationship isn’t mapped onto the object.

If the relationship is non-polymorphic, then the field has a type of that sObject.

If the relationship is polymorphic, then the field's name is still the relationship name, but the field type is a Union. The unions type name follows the pattern <ObjectName>_<RelationshipName>. For example, the SocialPost object has a polymorphic relationship named Who, and so the union type name is SocialPost_Who. Each concrete type in the schema that participates in the polymorphic relationship becomes a possible type of the union.

If no object types that participate in the polymorphic relationship are mappable into the schema, then the field for the relationship isn’t added to the type.

Each child relationship that points at an sObject type that participates in the schema is added as a field with a Relay Record Connection type to the GraphQL object. The name of the field matches the name of the child relationship. For example, Account has a field named Contacts of type ContactConnection.

The arguments where and orderBy are constructed following the rules outlined in Filtering and Ordering, respectively. Scopes can’t be applied to querying child relationships, and as a result the field doesn’t have a scope argument.

Relationship Filters

Polymorphic Relationship Filters