lwr start|preview

To preview your site in its target environment after you successfully run lwr build, run lwr start or lwr preview.

If you run this command without a prebuilt directory, it'll default to the standard LWR standalone server and it won't use any statically generated content.

-p, --port <port>NumberOptionalSet the port for the local development server. If a port isn't specified, the default value is 3000.
-m, --mode <mode>StringOptionalSet the server mode. If a server mode isn't specified, the default value is dev. Accepted values are dev, compat, prod-compat, and prod.
-t, --target <target>StringOptionalSet the site deployment target. If a target isn't specified, the default value is default. Accepted values are:
  • default - Generates the static site wouthout any configuration options.
  • mrt - Generates the static site with a Managed Runtime configuration.
  • netlify - Generates the static site with a Netlify configuration.
-b, -buildDir <directory>StringOptionalSpecify the prebuilt directory for your static site.
-o, --openBooleanOptionalOpen the static site in the browser on startup. By default, the browser doesn't open on startup.
-h, --helpOptionalView help text for lwr start and lwr preview options in the CLI.