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Personalization Overview

SCAPI provides the following capabilities for personalizing headless storefront shopper experiences:

  • Shopper Context API
  • Hooks/Script API

The Shopper Context API provides the following benefits versus using hooks and Script API:

  • You don't need to write hooks or deploy a cartridge.
  • You don't need to understand the qualification rules and corresponding Script API.
  • You can set qualifiers, including effectiveDate and couponCodes, that aren't available in the Script API.
  • You can set context one time and have it respected across all SCAPI calls, with state maintained for several days.

The following table provides shopper personalization example use cases:

Example Use CasePreferred Personalization MethodQualifier UsedCache Support
Shop the StoreShop the Future Shopper Context "store""effectiveDateTime"No
All Salesforce employees get employee pricing.Native SCAPIDynamic Customer Group – Email endswith @salesforce.comYes