Incoming Date Normalization

Marketing Cloud Engagement normalizes the date and time formats represented in a SOAP message. All three of the times listed in this table refer to the same time.

yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm2009-08-21T18:32:15ZUTC format
2009-08-21T14:32:15Unknown timezone, considered to be the server time
yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:dd-zz2009-08-21T12:02:15-06:30Time offset from UTC by specified amount

The time normalization applies to the following methods and parameters. The API searches for properties with a type of DateTime in any objects passed in through these parameters. The API then normalizes any time formats found, and this normalization applies recursively to any nested objects.

Any response including the incoming request object presents a different time in that response. For example, the CreateResult object on a Create call contains the object from the request and presents any dates in the returned object in server time.

If normalization causes problems for your SOAP API implementation, contact your Account Executive to disable this feature.

CreateResult Object