B2C Commerce Storefront Options

There are various options for building your B2C Commerce storefront depending on your business needs. You can mix and match multiple options within the same realm. For example, if you have a unique site for each region that you serve, you can use a different option for each site.

This guide summarizes the key differences between the various storefront options and lists the APIs and additional tools that you can use with each option.

If you want to: Then use this option: With this development environment: With these key APIs for customization:* With these key tools to speed up development:
  • Benefit from existing skills and code from a previous Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA) implementation
  • Build and launch campaigns and promotions with minimal developer involvement
  • Access a trusted ecosystem of connectors/plug-and-play apps
SFRA Server-side HTML and JavaScript B2C Commerce Developer Resources (Script API) Optional: Commerce Cloud CLI
  • Get a fast user experience and smooth app-like browsing
  • Accelerate your path to headless
  • Reduce the risk and total cost of ownership of headless
Recommended option: Composable Storefront, which includes Progressive Web App (PWA) Kit and Managed Runtime

PWA Kit based on Node.js and React

See What are Progressive Web Apps?

B2C Commerce API (also called Salesforce Commerce API or SCAPI) Required: Commerce SDK React and Isomorphic Commerce SDK

Optional: Commerce Cloud CLI
Gradually migrate your site from SFRA to Composable Storefront Hybrid storefront (phased headless rollout) Combination of: server-side HTML and JavaScript, PWA Kit based on Node.js and React B2C Commerce API
and B2C Commerce Developer Resources (Script API)
Required: Commerce SDK React and Isomorphic Commerce SDK

Optional: Commerce Cloud CLI
Use your own custom implementation to suit your unique business needs Build your own site Your chosen development environment B2C Commerce API Optional: Commerce SDK
and Commerce Cloud CLI

* To build advanced features, you can use Open Commerce API (OCAPI) and B2C Commerce Einstein API.