Get Started with B2C Commerce
Follow this recommended developer workflow to efficiently create a performant site on the B2C Commerce Platform. In this guide, we mainly summarize broad tasks that apply regardless of which parts of B2C Commerce you're using. This guide is meant to supplement the detailed documentation about products available within B2C Commerce such as Storefront Reference Architecture (SFRA), Composable Storefront, or B2C Commerce API.
Unless otherwise stated, all of these tasks apply to sites that are built using Composable Storefront, SFRA, other parts of B2C Commerce, or a combination of the three.
Get an introduction to B2C Commerce.
B2C Commerce Demo
Watch this video to get a brief introduction to B2C Commerce.

- B2C Commerce Storefront Options: Understand the available site implementations such as Composable Storefront or SFRA.
- Use the Quick Start to try out some basic steps for using a few of the B2C storefront options.
- Get an Overview of B2C Commerce architecture and key concepts.
- Sign up for instructor-led B2C Commerce classes.
Understand the recommended prerequisites before building a B2C Commerce site.
- Get B2C Commerce User Access.
- Create On-Demand Sandboxes to access flexible and scalable environments for site development and testing.
- Enable and Configure Einstein Activities to support metrics reporting.
Get your B2C Commerce site up and running quickly with this recommended process. Here are some key steps.
- Code Repositories: Access our open source B2C repos and code shared by Commerce Cloud customers and partners.
- Merchandising Your Site in B2C Commerce: Learn about adding data such as product and marketing information.
- Use Page Designer to manage templates that your merchant team can use to create site pages.
- SFRA only: Integrate with Salesforce Payments to collect payments.
- Watch this video to learn how Commerce Cloud Einstein can power up your ecommerce with AI.

- Troubleshoot your site.
Learn more about building your site.
- Access documentation about B2C Commerce Storefront Options such as Composable Storefront, SFRA, or a hybrid storefront.
- Use APIs such as B2C Commerce API or B2C Commerce Developer Resources (Script API) to customize your storefront or build your own custom storefront.
Learn about B2C Commerce's opportunities for customization and extension to meet your unique business needs. Here are examples of customization options.
- Run Campaigns and Promotions in B2C Commerce.
- SFRA only: Customize Promotions.
- Customize Active Data to tailor your site's active merchandising. processing. See Active Merchandising.
Learn more about customizing and extending B2C Commerce.
Protect your shoppers' data and enhance their shopping experience with these best practices for site performance, security, privacy, and more.
Discover the keys to a smooth site launch and ensure a positive shopper experience from Day 1. Test and launch your site by taking key actions such as:
Learn more about testing and launching your site.
Learn how to effectively monitor key metrics and perform essential maintenance tasks to keep your site running smoothly after launch. Monitor and maintain your site with key resources such as:
- Log Center: Review site errors and metrics.
- Control Center: Monitor the state of your Commerce Cloud instances.
Learn more about monitoring and maintaining your site.
Make data-driven decisions with analytics tools.
- Ask the B2C Commerce Developer Community.
- Trailhead: B2C Commerce - Developers and Architects
- Blogs
- Podcasts
- Webinars
- Events
- Commerce Cloud Developer Center
- B2C Commerce Release Notes: Learn about new features in B2C Commerce, B2C Commerce API, Composable Storefront, SFRA, and more.
- For summaries of new Commerce features in each Salesforce release, check out the release highlights in Prepare for Salesforce Releases.
- Speed up your time to launch with B2C Commerce Solutions, which are tools and accelerators for various industries.
- Use Commerce Marketplace to manage third-party sellers by using a Lightning app.
- Additional Salesforce Help:
- Get Started with B2C Commerce
- Administering Your Organization
- Account Manager for B2C Commerce allows you to create and maintain Commerce Cloud accounts.