Messaging Object Model

Data about messaging channels, users, and conversations is managed in Salesforce by using a series of standard objects. Learn how to find and work with data related to standard and enhanced Messaging channels and Messaging for In-App and Web.

This diagram shows the relationships between the principal objects used in Messaging. Objects marked as legacy objects are used only in standard Messaging channels.

Messaging object model

Messaging is built on these standard objects. Some objects are used in all types of channels, while others are used only in standard channels, enhanced channels, or Messaging for In-App and Web.

ObjectDescriptionStandardEnhancedIn-App & Web
ConversationA collection of one or more messaging sessions involving a specific messaging user and messaging channel. For the most part, Messaging admins and developers work with the MessagingSession object rather than the Conversation object.
ConversationEntryA message or an event in the messaging history between an agent or bot and a messaging end user.

Due to data storage differences, conversation entries for enhanced channels and Messaging for In-App and Web are accessible only via the Connect API. Your location can determine whether the ConversationEntry object is used to capture messages in these types of channels. See Accessing Messaging and Voice Conversation Data.
ConvMessageSendRequestA request to send a template-based messaging component to a list of messaging end users. It can be generated by a flow, Apex code, or REST API call that invokes the sendConversationMessages invocable action.
MessagingChannelA communication channel in which agents, bots, and messaging end users can exchange messages. Types of Messaging channels include SMS, Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, and Apple Messages for Business. Manage channels on the Messaging Settings page in Setup.
MsgChannelLanguageKeywordAn opt-in, opt-out, or other type of consent keyword defined for a specific language in a specific Messaging channel. Manage channels on the Messaging Settings page in Setup.
MessagingChannelUsageThe connection of an application, such as Service or Marketing, to a Unified Messaging channel.
MsgChannelUsageExternalOrgThe Enterprise ID (EID) and Business Unit (MID) for Marketing Cloud connections in a Unified Messaging channel.
MessagingConfigurationRepresents the details for a Messaging configuration, such as its messaging service and provisioning service endpoints.
MessagingEndUser (MEU)A single address, such as a phone number or Facebook page, communicating with a single Messaging channel. A customer has an MEU record for each channel that they communicate in. Manage MEUs on the Messaging Users tab or related list.
MessagingSessionA session with a messaging end user that occurs on a Messaging channel. Manage messaging sessions on the Messaging Sessions tab or related list.

These objects aren’t used in Enhanced Messaging, Unified Messaging, or Messaging for In-App and Web.

MessagingChannelSkillJunction object that represents an association between MessagingChannel and Skill. Used only in standard channels in Salesforce Classic.
MessagingDeliveryErrorA log of automated outbound messaging failures that occurred in standard Messaging channels. View these errors on the Messaging Templates Error Log page in Setup.
MessagingLinkThe link between a Messaging Channel and where it’s shared. Used in Channel-Object Linking, a legacy feature.
MessagingTemplateA messaging template used to send pre-formatted messages in standard Messaging channels. Manage these templates on the Messaging Templates page in Setup. In enhanced Messaging channels and Messaging for In-App and Web, automated messages are sent using notification messaging components and don’t use the MessagingTemplate object.