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Item Reference

EVGArticleAn article is content that is typically organized by category or keyword.
EVGBlogA blog is content that is typically presented as reverse chronologically sorted on a single topic.
EVGCategorizedItemAbstract class. A categorized item belongs to one or more categories.
EVGCategoryA category organizes other items and is contained in a hierarchy.
EVGItemAbstract base class. An item is something in a site or app that users can view or otherwise engage with. Typical examples are products, articles and blogs.
EVGLineItemA line item contains a single EVGItem subclass and the quantity that were ordered.
EVGLocationLocation to associate with an Item, for example for filtering reasons if a product is only available in an area.
EVGOrderAn order sent upon user checkout. The order contains a total purchase value and line items representing each product and quantity.
EVGProductA product is an item that can be sold to users. Products can be added to EVGLineItem objects when they have been ordered by the user.
EVGReviewA user-created review of an item.
EVGTagAdditional tags about an item such as Brand for products or Author and Keywords for articles.
EVGPromotionStateModifies how items will be selected and ordered for promotion.
EVGTagTypeSpecifies which type a tag belongs to.