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Get Marketing Cloud Growth Records Using REST API

Retrieve individual records using the get sObject rows endpoints in REST API.

You can use REST API to retrieve many types of records. This table shows the record types that are most relevant to Marketing Cloud Growth.

Record TypeAPI Name
Contact recordsContact
Lead recordsLead
Marketing segmentsMarketSegment
Content workspacesManagedContentSpace
Content itemsManagedContent

Before you send a request to REST API, obtain a bearer token. For more information, see Connect to REST-based APIs.

To retrieve a record, send a GET request to /services/data/v61.0/sobjects/OBJECT_API_NAME/RECORD_ID. Replace OBJECT_API_NAME with the API name of the type of object that you want to retrieve, and replace RECORD_ID with the record ID.

If the request is successful, the response body varies depending on the object type of the record that you retrieved. This example shows a response body for a Flow record.