Documentation Changelog

This changelog lists documentation changes made to the Apex SDK for Slack (Beta) Developer Guide.

This documentation changes are new for July 3, 2023.

  • The UserMapping class is new for the Slack namespace.
  • Added a note that four Slack.App class methods have been deprecated and includes an alternative recommendation.

These documentation changes are new for May 11, 2023.

These documentation changes are new for April 17, 2023.

These documentation changes are new for February 23, 2023.

These documentation changes are new for February 7, 2023.

These documentation changes are new for January 11, 2023.

  • Dependent fields, picklists, and packaging are now available.

These documentation changes are new for January 11, 2023.

These classes are new for the Slack namespace.

These documentation changes are new for December 13, 2022.

These documentation changes are new for November 04, 2022.

These classes are new for the Slack namespace.

These documentation changes are new for October 20, 2022.

  • Salesforce SDK for Slack now available in Beta.

The following documentation changes are new for September 29, 2022.

These documentation changes are new for September 15, 2022.

  • Updated the File class.

The following documentation changes are new for August 23, 2022.

These documentation changes are new for July 13, 2022.

These documentation changes are new for July 5, 2022.

The following documentation changes are new for May 6, 2022.

These documentation changes are new for April 29, 2022.

The following documentation changes are new for April 25, 2022.

The following documentation changes are new for April 7, 2022.

The following documentation changes are new for March 28, 2022.

The following documentation changes are new for March 25, 2022.

  • Added a section about Slack's rate limit.
  • Added information on .Builder classes to call out required methods.
  • Updated the properties.text description for the section layout component to call out mrkdwn usage.
  • Fixed a minor error to include a url for all slash_commands entries in the manifest example for the sample app.
  • Fixed the properties.confirm description for the select component.

The following documentation changes are new for March 18, 2022.

The following documentation changes are new for March 14, 2022.

  • Salesforce Slack SDK is now Apex SDK for Slack. The dev guide has been updated to reflect the product name change.
  • The TestHarness.Field class has been removed to follow the deprecation of the field component.

The following documentation changes are new for March 10, 2022.

The following documentation changes are new for March 8, 2022.

These documentation changes are new for Mar 2, 2022.

These documentation changes are new for Feb 24, 2022.

  • Added a note that the field component has been deprecated and recommend an alternative way to render field values.

These documentation changes are new for Feb 9, 2022.

These documentation changes are new for Feb 3, 2022.

  • Foyer is now Salesforce Slack SDK. The dev guide has been updated to reflect the product name change.
  • Added a section Delete a User Mapping.

The following documentation changes are new for Feb 1, 2022.

These classes are new for the Slack namespace.

These classes were deleted.

  • FilesUploadResponse
  • FilesUploadRequest
  • UsersSetPhotoRequest
  • UsersSetPhotoResponse

These classes have changes.

AppsEventAuthorizationsListRequest.Builder has changed.

  • The maxLimit(maxLimit) method has been renamed to limitValue(limitValue).

AppsEventAuthorizationsListResponse has new methods.

  • getAuthorizations()
  • setAuthorizations(authorizations)

AuthTeamsListRequest has changed.

  • The maxLimit(maxLimit) method has been renamed to limitValue(limitValue).

AuthTeamsListResponse has new methods.

  • getTeams()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setTeams(teams)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

BotClient has changed.

  • reactionsList(req) has been added.
  • filesUpload(req) has been removed.

BotsInfoResponse has new methods.

  • getIcons()
  • setIcons(icons)

CallsAddRequest.Builder has a new method.

  • users(users)

CallsAddResponse has new methods.

  • getCall()
  • getReponseMetadata()
  • setCall(call)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

CallsEndResponse has new methods.

  • getCall()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setCall(call)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

CallsInfoResponse has new methods.

  • getCall()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setCall(call)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

CallsParticipantsAddRequest.Builder has a new method.

  • users(users)

CallsParticipantsAddResponse has new methods.

  • getCall()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setCall(call)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

CallsParticipantsRemoveRequest.Builder has a new method.

  • users(users)

CallsParticipantsRemoveResponse has new methods.

  • getCall()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setCall(call)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

CallsUpdateResponse has new methods.

  • getCall()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setCall(call)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

ChatPostMessageReponse has new methods.

  • getResponseMetadata()
  • getMessage()
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)
  • setMessage(message)

ChatScheduleMessageResponse.ScheduledMessage has new methods.

  • getBotProfile()
  • setBotProfile(botProfile)

ChatScheduledMessagesListRequest has changed.

  • The maxLimit(maxLimit) method has been renamed to limitValue(limitValue).

ChatScheduledMessagesListResponse has new methods.

  • getScheduledMessages()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setScheduledMessages(scheduledMessages)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

ChatUpdateResponse has new methods.

  • getMessage()
  • setMessage(message)

ConversationsCreateResponse has new methods.

  • getChannel()
  • setChannel(channel)

ConversationsHistoryRequest.Builder has changed.

  • The maxLimit(maxLimit) method has been renamed to limitValue(limitValue).

ConversationsHistoryResponse has new methods.

  • getMessages()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setMessages(messages)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

ConversationsInfoResponse has new methods.

  • getChannel()
  • setChannel(channel)

ConversationsInviteResponse has new methods.

  • getChannel()
  • getErrors()
  • setChannel(channel)
  • setErrors(errors)

ConversationsJoinResponse has new methods.

  • getChannel()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setChannel()
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

ConversationsListRequest has changed.

  • The maxLimit(maxLimit) method has been renamed to limitValue(limitValue).

ConversationsListRequest.Builder has a new method.

  • types(types)

ConversationsListResponse has new methods.

  • getChannels()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setChannels()
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

ConversationsMarkResponse has new methods.

  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

ConversationsMembersRequest has changed.

  • The maxLimit(maxLimit) method has been renamed to limitValue(limitValue).

ConversationsMembersResponse has new methods.

  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

ConversationsOpenResponse has new methods.

  • getChannel()
  • setChannel(channel)

ConversationsRenameResponse has new methods.

  • getChannel()
  • setChannel(channel)

ConversationsRepliesRequest has changed.

  • The maxLimit(maxLimit) method has been renamed to limitValue(limitValue).

ConversationsRepliesResponse has new methods.

  • getMessages()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setMessages(messages)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

ConversationsSetPurposeResponse has new methods.

  • getChannel()
  • setChannel(channel)

ConversationsSetTopicResponse has new methods.

  • getChannel()
  • setChannel(channel)

DndTeamInfoResponse has new methods.

  • getUsers()
  • setUsers(users)

FilesInfoResponse has new methods.

  • getFile()
  • setFile(file)

FilesListReponse has new methods.

  • getFiles()
  • getPaging()
  • setFiles(files)
  • setPaging(paging)

FilesRemoteAddResponse has new methods.

  • getFile()
  • setFile(file)

FilesRemoteInfoResponse has new methods.

  • getFile()
  • setFile(file)

FilesRemoteListRequest has changed.

  • The maxLimit(maxLimit) method has been renamed to limitValue(limitValue).

FilesRemoteListResponse has new methods.

  • getFiles()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setFiles(files)
  • setResponseMetadata(metadata)

FilesRemoteShareResponse has new methods.

  • getFile()
  • setFile(file)

FilesRemoteUpdateResponse has new methods.

  • getFile()
  • setFile(file)

FilesRevokePublicURLResponse has new methods.

  • getFile()
  • setFile(file)

FilesSharedPublicURLResponse has new methods.

  • getFile()
  • setFile(file)

PinsAddResponse has new methods.

  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

PinsListReponse has new methods.

  • getItems()
  • setItems(items)

PinsListResponse.MessageItem has new methods.

  • getComment()
  • getFile()
  • getMessage()
  • setComment(comment)
  • setFile(file)
  • setMessage(message)

ReactionsGetResponse.Message has new methods.

  • getBotProfile()
  • getReactions()
  • setBotProfile(botProfile)
  • setReactions(reactions)

RemindersAddRequest has changed.

  • The atTime(atTime) method has been renamed to timeValue(timeValue).

RemindersAddResponse has new methods.

  • getReminder()
  • setReminder(reminder)

RemindersInfoResponse has new methods.

  • getReminder()
  • setReminder(reminder)

RemindersListResponse has new methods.

  • getReminders()
  • setReminders(reminders)

SearchAllRequest has changed.

  • The sortType(sortType) method has been renamed to sortValue(sortValue).

SearchAllResponse has new methods.

  • getMessages()
  • getFiles()
  • setMessages(messages)
  • setFiles(files)

SearchFilesRequest has changed.

  • The sortType(sortType) method has been renamed to sortValue(sortValue).

SearchFilesResponse has new methods.

  • getFiles()
  • setFiles(files)

SearchMessagesRequest has changed.

  • The sortType(sortType) method has been renamed to sortValue(sortValue).

SearchMessagesResponse has new methods.

  • getMessages()
  • setMessages(messages)

TeamAccessLogsResponse has new methods.

  • getLogins()
  • getPaging()
  • setLogins(logins)
  • setPaging(paging)

TeamBillableInfoResponse has new methods.

  • getBillableInfo()
  • setBillableInfo(billableInfo)

TeamInfoResponse has new methods.

  • getTeam()
  • setTeam()

TeamIntegrationLogsResponse has new methods.

  • getLogs()
  • getPaging()
  • setLogs(logs)
  • setPaging(paging)

UserClient has new methods.

  • reactionsList(req)
  • starsList(req)

UsergroupsCreateResponse has new methods.

  • getUsergroup()
  • setUsergroup(usergroup)

UsergroupsDisableResponse has new methods.

  • getUsergroup()
  • setUsergroup(usergroup)

UsergroupsEnableResponse has new methods.

  • getUsergroup()
  • setUsergroup(usergroup)

UsergroupsListResponse has new methods.

  • getUsergroups()
  • setUsergroups(usergroups)

UsergroupsUpdateResponse has new methods.

  • getUsergroup()
  • setUsergroup(usergroup)

UsergroupsUsersUpdateResponse has new methods.

  • getUsergroup()
  • setUsergroup(usergroup)

UsersConversationsRequest has changed.

  • The maxLimit(maxLimit) method has been renamed to limitValue(limitValue).

UsersConversationsRequest.Builder has a new method.

  • types(types)

UsersConversationsResponse has new methods.

  • getChannels()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setChannels(channels)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

UsersInfoResponse has new methods.

  • getUser()
  • setUser(user)

UsersListRequest has changed.

  • The maxLimit(maxLimit) method has been renamed to limitValue(limitValue).

UsersListResponse has new methods.

  • getMembers()
  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setMembers(members)
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

UsersLookupByEmailResponse has new methods.

  • getUser()
  • setUser(user)

ViewsOpenResponse has new methods.

  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

ViewsPublishResponse has new methods.

  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

ViewsPushResponse has new methods.

  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

ViewsUpdateResponse has new methods.

  • getResponseMetadata()
  • setResponseMetadata(responseMetadata)

WorkflowsUpdateStepRequest has new methods.

  • inputs(inputs)
  • outputs(outputs)

These documentation changes are new for January 24, 2022.

  • Updated Data Providers to add support for the Select component to use List<Slack.Option> and List<Slack.OptionGroup>.
  • Renamed the Implement the External Select Component doc and updated the URL to Work with Options.

These documentation changes are new for January 14, 2022.

These documentation changes are new for December 20, 2021.

Added Asset Access to explain how Apex SDK for Slack validates access to an asset across namespaces.

Added examples to:

Added information about events, and added an example of how to respond to the app_home_opened event.

Added information about label expressions and formula expressions.

Added information and basic guidelines about packaging Slack apps.

Added information about scopes and how to determine which scopes to use for an app.